Conversations with God

conversations with god
Prayer, a tool we use to communicate directly with God, our heavenly Father; something I use on a daily basis. There are many days when the Lord will provide me with a revelation or idea which I can use as my topic for the day, often times these are presented to me while in deep thought at the gym; however, today I didn't really receive that gift from God, or if I did, I didn't pay it much attention.

So as normal, I turn to God in prayer, seeking a direct conversation with Him. "Father, I come before you again for the third or fourth time today, seeking ideas and encouragement from you. As you well know, I'm sitting here without the slightest clue of what to write about for the day, you didn't really provide me with the normal revelation I've grown so accustomed to; I know I shouldn't always rely solely on you, I mean you did bless me with this great imagination, perhaps I should use it from time to time. But, I ask you now Lord, please fill me with your Holy Spirit, grant me a thought or idea for which I can break down into a post; I need your help Lord. I offer myself up to you, use me as your tool and speak to others through me. I have complete faith that you can and will do this for me Father, I ask these things to be done in Jesus name, amen."

A few moments pass by, which turn into five, ten, and before I know it, half an hour has passed by as I exchange a few emails with my wife and look at a few topics which would compel me to write a post; yet I hear nothing from God. Quite often I find when I want God to speak to me, I just don't hear Him; but when I'm not expecting it or not directly speaking with Him, I'm blessed with an idea or thought which I can use, I'm not quite sure why that is. So after a few more minutes of using Google's keyword tool, I come across the term, conversations with God, which sort of puts my brain into thinking mode. Well, God has provided me with quite a few topics lately, maybe it's time I come up with my own and show others how I speak to God and communicate with Him.

Now, before I move on to the type of prayer I say each morning on my way to the gym, I want to get this point across. Many people have been taught that communication with God is not really possible, but I can promise you this is not the case; the Bible tells us to bring all of our problems before God, if we can bring things as significant as problems to Him, why not also bring our dreams and desires before His throne? There are also a great number of people who tend to think that God is too busy to listen to them or that He can't hear us; let me answer this belief with a question, would you really serve a God who doesn't care enough to listen to you or pay you any attention? God is all knowing, all seeing, and all loving; he knows what you think, do, and say before you do, show some humility and approach Him as a child would their Father.

What I'm about to write may surprise many of you, but this is honestly how I talk to God on a daily basis, and it serves as an example of how close I am to Him and how personal our relationship is:

"(British Accent) 'ello Fatha! Lol Sorry, I couldn't help myself, I know you don't mind though, because you love me and created me to be exactly as I am. Anyway, it's kind of hard to tell what kind of day it will be, it's too early to predict with the sun not even being up yet; but each day I'm alive is a blessing and therefore beautiful to me. Thank you for providing me with another day of life, having the opportunity to grow closer to you, and seek to become more like you. I have something I need to openly confess to you, which you already know about, but I come before you showing humility; Lord, lately I've been feeling my faith begin to weaken and my flesh trying to take back over, we both know this has happened before as well. I pray and ask that you would fill me up with your Holy Spirit, forgive me for allowing these thoughts to even come to my mind, heal me, and help me to stay strong in my faith and dedication to you.

As always, I continue to ask that you would speak to me on a daily basis, grant me this special gift of being able to hear your voice Lord. I can think of nothing more valuable than to hear your every thought and desire for me, allow me the wisdom to discern your voice from my own thoughts; as you know I have a very active imagination and quite often imagine things you would have me do. Which in a way, you are speaking to me, for you're the one who blessed me with this mind and all of my thoughts; who's to say that all of the thoughts I have aren't sent from you? I ask that as I continue to seek you and become a better image of you, that you would continually grow closer to me and allow my gifts, skills, and abilities to mature so that I may continue my work for you. Lord I'm so grateful for everything that you've already done in my life and the things that you have in store for me; you've blessed me so much and it seems so selfish to ask for more than what you've already given me, but I also know you desire to show your power to me Lord.

As you are well aware, I have tremendous dreams for my life, things which I'd like to be a part of and accomplish before I return home; one of which is being involved and employed in the Christian ministry. Only you know my true potential and what I'm capable of God, I ask that you would show me the way to be all that I can be and do what I can for your kingdom. I would absolutely love to be employed by my church, or any part of the body of Christ; not necessarily in a position of leadership, I have no idea what you have in store for me, but I do want to be involved with the actual staff of a church. Lord even if you don't allow me the honor of serving on the staff of a church body, I ask that you would use me in great ways, just as you used people like Moses, Joseph, and many of the apostles. I know it's a bit selfish to ask for such things God, but I don't ask these things to better my own position or power in this world; I do it with an honest heart and wish only to serve you to the fullest. You know I no longer desire to be employed by anyone else in this world other than you Father, but I pray if this is how it must be that you would at least have mercy on me and bless me with the opportunity to work for a Christian employer.

God I just love you so much and no longer wish to be or live like the person I was, I desire only to further my relationship and understanding of you. I know I'm just starting down this long path in my decision to follow you, but I ask that everything I seek to do would be backed and pushed along by you Father. I seek not to do the things that would only bring me monetary gain, but would also bring you glory and demonstrate your power. Lord I just love you so much, as much as I can love someone whom I've never met or been able to see; I ask that you would show me how to love you even more and to put more faith in you. God I just completely open myself up to you, change my heart and my mind, my emotions and my thoughts; convert them in such a way that you can use them however you see fit. Forgive every selfish ambition that comes into my mind, every impure thought and emotion, every evil thought of sin; help me to grow stronger and become a more godly man. Lord I just give you all glory, honor, and praise; I put all of my faith and confidence in you, I love you God. I ask that all these things would be done in Jesus name, amen.

Holy Spirit, I ask that you would continue to pray over my thoughts, desires, dreams, and emotions even when I'm not; speak on my behalf with the Father, keeping me in line with His will for my life, that my prayers will be answered how He thinks best. Thank you Holy Spirit."

Whether you choose to believe that this is how I speak to God each and every day or not is up to you, but I assure you with all my heart it's no lie. God doesn't care how you approach Him, how you speak, or anything like that; as long as it's done with a clear conscience and out of a true desire for Him. I feel that nothing I ask for or seek is out of a selfish ambition to further my position on this earth, but rather out of a desire to further my relationship with my true Father and my place in heaven. I hope that you've enjoyed this article and can use it as an example in your own prayer life; feel free to share it with your friends and family, there are share buttons located at the top of each page. Please consider leaving me +1 with the Google Plus button, as well as leaving me a comment or some feedback below.

Now try reading my last article, Use Fitness to Witness for Jesus!

God Bless!


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