My Conversion Story

My Life Before Christ:

For as long as I can remember, I was always involved with church, in fact, my earliest childhood memories are of singing in service, playing with friends, and Sunday School. I used to really enjoy the experience, but as we're all very aware of, things change, I grew up and my views changed with me, as well as my interests. I got into high school and started hanging out with the wrong crowd, drinking a lot, having sex, smoking weed, and just "living the life." Nearly a year and a half out of high school I was married, and every weekend, for years, consisted of hanging out with another married couple and their friends, getting wasted, and just having fun. Over time this all really began to weigh on me, I began to fall into depression and wonder if this was all really fulfilling to me, and if this is how I wanted to live the rest of my life. 

How I Received Christ:

Well, late 2011 we all took a trip to Miami Florida for a New Year's celebration, and we were having a blast; well, everyone else was, my heart and mind were really under a heavy burden and I was just along for the ride. New Year's Eve rolled around and we were all sitting on the beach, tipsy from the amount of alcohol we'd consumed all day waiting in anticipation for the final countdown. My buddy walked over to me, put his hands on my shoulders, and began to recount the past year or so of partying with me. As he was speaking the countdown began, and with each passing second as the countdown got closer and he continued talking, something within me began to stir more and more. Suddenly the countdown reached it's climax as my friend pulled me into a hug and declared how proud of me he was, as people all around me shouted Happy New Year! But, I couldn't hear them, my entire thought process had just shattered and the world was a blur, a midst the dazzling display of fire works above me a giant light switch flipped... I needed Jesus in my life. So right there in Miami Florida, January 1, 2012 at 0'dark thirty, a midst all the partying, loud music, fireworks, and people, I committed my life to Jesus.

My Life After Christ:

We promptly returned to the hotel where everyone immediately passed out. The next morning I awoke with a searing hangover, but I can still remember feeling more alive than ever. We packed the rental van, piled in, and began our thirteen hour trip back home. However, although I was squashed between two or three other people, and their luggage, I felt so peaceful within myself, and I began planning. Idea began to form within my mind of exactly how many things I'd need to change, what I'd need to do, and how I should begin living my new life with Jesus. So, the following day I began spending a lot of time reading my Bible, praying, and really just seeking God; I could feel so much life and happiness returning to me that I had lost over the years. I began attending a local church where I was soon baptized, and also began serving throughout the week. My friends and I sort of fell apart as our lifestyles kind of led in different directions, and eventually we stopped speaking altogether; but, I'm happy to lose everything pursuing God, and will continue to do so for the rest of my life.


If, like me, you feel like something has been missing from your life or that something needs to change, I'll be the first to tell you that that something is Jesus Christ, He alone has the power to overcome all of the obstacles and struggle in your life and heal the brokenness within you. If you would like to learn more about Jesus and how you too can experience the power that He has to offer in your own life, please click through and read my previous article about Christian Faith in Jesus Christ. God, I pray for those who are reading this article, that if they've never accepted You as their Lord and savior, that perhaps through my story You would touch their lives and lead them to seek You. I also pray that their lives would be a blessing to those around them, that many more would come to know You through the power and change seen through them, and that they would be a light in the darkness. I love You Father, I pray all of these things in Jesus' name, amen.

God Bless!


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