How to Accept Christian Salvation

how to christian salvation
You've stumbled upon a Christian blog, where today I'll be teaching about Christian Salvation, and a relationship with God. For those of you who have already been saved, I encourage you to stick around and be reminded about the basic fundamentals of Christianity. For even Peter, who was there with Jesus in person, reminds us in 2 Peter to remember the basics of our faith; we should always continue and seek to learn advanced teachings, but we should never forget how we came to believe.

I'd first like to congratulate all of you who are here visiting for the first time, more likely than not if you've come across this site by the means of a search engine, then you've made a conscious decision to at least seek an understanding of who God is; to me this is the absolute first step down the short path to finding God, true happiness, and fulfillment in your life. I say short path because I want you to understand how simple it is to have a relationship with God, through his Son, Jesus Christ. Before getting to far ahead of ourselves, many of you may not even know what salvation is, so let's set up a basic understanding.

What is Salvation?

The Bible defines it as deliverance from slavery or from some great distress by the intervention of God; you may be thinking "well I'm not a slave, how does this apply to me?" Well, I'll break down everything into four simple things that God wants you to know; notice I said God, He cares about you and thinks about you on a daily basis, as well as the rest of his children. Something else you should know, you are a slave to whatever controls your life; if you have never freely given your life to the Lord, then you are living in sin and therefore a slave to it.

Four Essential Things God Wants You to Know

  1. God deals with you based on what you are, not who you are
  2. How he has chosen to solve your problem
  3. You have to make the choice to accept Jesus or death
  4. You must accept the gift of God which is in his Son Jesus Christ
1. The Bible clearly states in Romans 3:23 that everyone has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Let me ask you a simple question, when you were young, did your parents have to teach you to be bad or to behave; to behave right? This is because everyone is born into sin, we inherited it from the first humans on earth that sinned against God. Many people ask, if God loves us so much then how come he condemns us to hell if we're his "children"? Here's something you have to understand, God is light and pure, Sin is dark and evil; just like darkness doesn't exist in light, sin can't exist in the presence of God. In the same manner, we are unable and unworthy to be in His presence while we're still sinners; this is the first thing that you must come to understand.

2. God already knows we're sinners, which is why he chose to solve our problem out of an act of pure love, the offering of his Son Jesus Christ as a sacrifice for us. Romans 5:8 tells us that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. John 3:16 says, God loved us so much that he sent his one and only Son to die for us, and if we believe in him, we will not perish but have eternal life. In case you don't fully understand what I'm saying here, let me break it down for you. God knows everything, he knew that we would be born into a life of sin; so in his infinite wisdom and love, he created a way that we could become clean, through the death of his Son. Jesus Christ, who was actually God in the flesh, came to earth and lived a sinless life, he never messed up once, He was and is perfect. He sacrificed his life for us to atone for the sins that we have committed, and will commit in the future. You don't have to comprehend how this works, no human can, it was designed by God; this is the second thing you must understand, God created a way for us to escape certain death and spend eternity with him.

3. This is a decision that you alone must make, nobody else can make it for you; just like someone who offers you money, you have the chance to accept or decline their gift. But before you make this decision, you must first fully understand the decision before you. Romans 6:23 states this, the wages of sin is death, but, the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ. The meaning of death in this scripture goes beyond the meaning of what is taught in life; death in the sense of the Bible means eternal separation from God, spending all of eternity cut off from him in hell. Which is why God sacrificed his Son for us, so that we could accept Him and be saved from eternal damnation. Jesus himself states in John 3:36, I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man comes to the Father, but through me. This means that no matter how many good things you do in life, unless you accept the gift that is Jesus, you will never enter heaven.

4. I'm sure that by now you are most likely thinking, well, how do I accept this free gift? Romans 10:9-10 tells us this, if we confess with our mouth that Jesus Christ is the Lord and believe in our heart that God raised him from the dead, we'll be saved. For it's by believing in our heart that we are made right with God, and it's by confessing with our mouth that we are saved. Basically it means this, if you want this free gift that God is offering to you, you must believe that it is truly and freely offered to you; and all you have to do is ask for it. 

If you would like to accept the free gift of salvation that God is offering to you today, because he loves you more than anything and desires a relationship with you, please say this prayer with me:

"Dear God, I know that Jesus Christ is your Son, I know that He died on the cross and was raised from the dead for me. I know I'm a sinner in need of forgiveness, I ask Jesus Christ to come into my heart and forgive me for all of my sins and save me. I acknowledge Jesus as my Savior by turning away from sin and looking to you for all my answers. Thank you for giving me forgiveness, eternal life, and hope for the future; help me to live the rest of my life for you. I ask this to be done in Jesus name, Amen."

I want you to know that if you've said that prayer just now, you can have faith that you are forgiven of all the sins you've ever committed in your life. All of heaven is rejoicing with you in your decision to follow God and I would like to do so as well. I want you to share with me below if you've asked Jesus into your heart, I want you to share your gift with everyone; let your light shine. There is much more for you to learn, your journey doesn't simply start after salvation; you should begin reading about God in his Word, the Bible, I would suggest starting in the book of John. God desires to grow closer with you, and this can only be done by getting to know him on a more intimate level.

Update: I've just published a new post entitled The Ab Workout of Christianity! which covers the fundamentals of what every Christian needs to know and learn before they can mature.

If you would like to see how I live my life and some of the changes I've made so far, I would encourage you to read my last post Desiring God in Daily Life! If this post has helped you and brought you to the Lord today, please consider sharing it with everyone you know, there are social buttons at the top of this page; also please consider giving me a +1. Again, I congratulate you on your decision to follow God through Jesus Christ, welcome my fellow brother or sister!

God Bless!


  1. How many steps did you complete to receive the "free gift" of Salvation?

    Is this a "free gift"?

    I tell my child that I have an incredible gift for him. However, in order for the gift to be his, he must:

    1. apologize for his bad behavior and sincerely mean it.
    2. he must commit to change his ways and follow MY ways for the rest of his life.
    3. he must make a decision that he WANTS my gift.
    4. he must then approach me, hold out his hands, ask me for the gift, and cooperate with me, as I place the gift into his hands.

    If he does all this, he will receive his gift. But...if he chooses to reject my gift, I will damn him to HELL!

    Now is this "gift" really a gift...or a REWARD for making the right decision?

    No, that is NOT a gift!
    This is a gift: "Dear Son, I have a gift for you. Here it is. I love you more than words can describe", and then I place the gift in my son's lap. No strings attached. The gift is his. He did nothing to receive it. I did everything.

    THAT is a free gift!

    So what is God's free gift? It is the whole salvation package: faith, belief, repentance, forgiveness of sins, atonement, and eternal life. It is ALL free... to those whom God has predestined, before the world existed, for reasons we do not know, to be his children.


    Luther, Baptists, and Evangelicals


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