God is Light in 2021

Jesus Christ is the Word of life, he is eternal life, and he is God in human form. He has existed since the beginning, he was with God in Heaven, and came to earth to lead the way to God. These are the things which were written by John, the disciple Jesus loved. As an eyewitness to the teachings and miracles performed by Jesus, he is more than qualified to tell us the truth of such things. For we were not there when Jesus was among the people, but John was, so we can and should believe all he has written to be accurate and trustworthy. Because he wants us to be in fellowship with God, and with Jesus, so that we may know true joy. Today, which is absolutely amazing, we'll be spending time in 1 John chapter 1. Living in the Light God is light, there is no darkness in him, not at all. When you think about light, what else does it represent? What else can you equate it to? Good, purity, truth, and holiness right? What about darkness? Sin, evil, lies, corruption, and anything ba...