Why I'm Not A Christian in 2021

I don’t think there’s anybody who hasn’t dealt with that question. I’m sure it has come up and maybe you haven’t quite known how to answer it. I t is one of the hardest questions ever… Have you ever met someone from another religion and after being around them for a while you felt like they were nicer, a better dad, more conscientious than you? Maybe they weren’t even religious at all and they are one of the nicest people you’ve ever met; you’re like, “So, the Bible teaches these people aren’t going to heaven because they haven’t accepted Jesus?” Doesn’t really seem fair for God to choose this one, arbitrary characteristic and pass over people who are every bit as morally good. In addition to that, if you ask people today what the biggest cause of division and violence is in our world, your most likely answer would be radical religion; especially a religion that claims to be the only way to God. Believing that your way is the on...